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Planet: Dyson Terra / Ross 128 b

Distance from Sol: 11.007 Light Years

Galaxy: Milky Way

Constellation: Virgo

Classification: Temperate Marine Terra

Goverment: Virgo Autonomous Province, United LunaTerra protectorate

Mass - 5.3065 Terran
Radius - 1.7483 TerraDiameter
Solar Day - 20.5 Hours
Orbital Period - 9.866 TerraMol
Gravity - 1.7361g
Atm pressure - 0.78 atm
Atmosphere Comp: CO2, N2, H2O, SO2

Ross 128 b, also known as Dyson Terra, is a strategic economic star system under the United LunaTerra protectorate. Named in honor of Marie Dyson, the daughter of Mark Cooper, inventor of the AdS drive, Dyson Terra commemorates the first brave colonists who departed during the genesis era of colonization. Marie Dyson led the United Nations' efforts to colonize the stellar neighborhood, recognizing the potential of Ross 128's single promising planet with its two moons: the ringed, arid moon Pax Astralis and the asteroid moon Ad Astra, with its thin atmosphere.

Dyson Terra's capital city boasts robust high-tech services and apartments offering the highest living standards in the stellar neighborhood. The primary focus on technological advancement has, however, left Ross 128 heavily reliant on the United LunaTerran fleet from Sol for security.

The planet's very thick atmosphere creates a greenhouse effect, warming it to a typically suitable -6 degrees Celsius. This thick atmosphere also allows the star Ross 128 to be seen in full surface detail during morning and sunset.

The assassination of Governor Abraham Witron triggered a chain reaction, giving Mars the excuse it needed to invade Barnard's Star. This invasion was a bid to reclaim its colony and push the Settled Exoplanets Alliance (SEA) away from Sol borders.


Dyson Terra's roots trace back to Old Terra's Germanic cultures. The planet's capital city offers a vast array of technologies for both commercial and personal use, with widespread portable computer tablets being a notable product manufactured in Dyson City.

The people of Dyson Terra are known for their paradoxical nature: they are both the most vengeful and, at the same time, the kindest and wisest engineers, mechanics, and scientists in the region. Despite the mystery surrounding their vengefulness, their reputation for kindness and wisdom in their professions is well-known.

The government of the Virgo Autonomous Province follows democratic values, aligning closely with those of the United LunaTerra. This democratic ethos fosters a culture of innovation and progress, making Dyson Terra a beacon of technological advancement in the stellar neighborhood.

Economics: Perfect Competition

Currency: ExoCredits.
Industry: production of microchips, transistors, qubits, robotic parts, and Anti-De-Sitter hyperdrives. These technological advancements have cemented Dyson Terra's status as a hub of innovation and manufacturing excellence.

The ringed arid moon Pax Astralis features extensive networks of park domes designed for tourists. These domes include water ponds and imported animals from Earth, carefully managed for reproduction. The natural beauty and meticulously curated environments offer a serene escape for visitors.

The cuisine of Dyson Terra primarily consists of dried food and vegetation. The murder of animals for food is strictly forbidden, reflecting the planet's ethical stance on animal welfare and its commitment to sustainable living. This policy has led to the development of unique and innovative plant-based dishes that are both nutritious and flavorful, catering to the diverse palates of Dyson Terra's residents and visitors.

Notable Locations:

The University of Vibrating Strings at Dyson Terra is at the forefront of groundbreaking research and experimentation. One of its pioneering endeavors involves the manipulation of Spin 2 Graviton fields to control gravity itself. Researchers and physicists at the university are engaged in ambitious experiments aimed at harnessing this technology for practical applications.

Another notable area of research at the university is the synthesis of a comprehensive Mendeleyev Tablet of Antimatter. This endeavor represents a significant leap in understanding and utilizing antimatter in various scientific and technological fields. The university's efforts in these domains highlight its commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and innovation on Dyson Terra.

Professor Harrison Wells delivered a compelling speech at the University of Vibrating Strings, focusing on his research into the application of Angelic Metal of Archangels in human technologies. He captivated the audience with his insights into how this extraordinary material could revolutionize various technological fields of Humanity.
During his speech, Professor Wells also made a significant announcement regarding the Expedition to the "Forgotten Planet." He elaborated on its implications, describing it as a treasure trove of galactic knowledge akin to the wisdom of ancient gods. This revelation sparked immense interest and speculation among the academic community and beyond, underscoring the university's pivotal role in advancing humanity's understanding of the cosmos.