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"We should respect a person's spiritual decision if they find peace and calmness on this planet. I'm glad we and the S.E.A. agree on this matter." - Mikail Deutron, Lead Exobiologist of United LunaTerra

Planet: Nova / K2-18 b

Distance from Sol: 124 Ly Light Year

Galaxy: Milky Way

Constellation: Leo

Classification: Temperate Marine Terra

Goverment: Holy Guards of Nova | Religious Church

Mass - 8.93 Terran
Radius - 32376.87 TerraDiameter
Solar Day - 29.46 Hours
Orbital Period - 32.938 TerraMol
Gravity - 1.3831g
Atm pressure - 0.853 atm
Atmosphere Comp: N2, O2, H2O

Description: K2-18B, nicknamed Nova, is the farthest star system accessible to humans. Observed and theorized about since the days of Old Earth, the presence of potential life on this planet was confirmed following the invention of AdS drives. Nova became the first planet where humanity encountered an extrasolar primitive civilization. These dwarf-sized humanoids, with their hardened skin and dark eyes, live in hive-minded colonies. Unlike humans, they have never been observed warring with each other and respect each other's borders.

Their unique culture has been deeply studied since the initial encounter. A group of humans, fascinated by this civilization, formed a cult-like church worshipping them. This lunatic fringe is recognized as a dangerous organization by United LunaTerra. Known as the Holy Guards of Nova, they do not represent a political force and are not viewed as such. While Nova is under the protectorate of United LunaTerra, ULT has withdrawn its direct influence over the star system. Both the Solar System and the S.E.A. respect the choice of the Holy Guards, avoiding any interference and allowing them to guard the first civilization humans encountered.

The hostile environment and unique chemistry of Nova make it insufferable for humans without specialized equipment. While Nova’s iron-rich soil renders certain areas infertile, there are some biomes with flourishing forests. It is in one of these verdant areas that the capital settlement and the Church of the Holy Guards are located.

Deeper research of the planet revealed underground structures and a probe from an assumed civilization that previously inhabited the Milky Way. The Nova Guards have nicknamed this ancient civilization the Archangels, a name that now refers to the extinct Milky Way civilization.

Harrison Wells, a crew member of the Astralis-Class ship “Void Voyager,” proposed that these structures form a network the Archangels used to study civilizations and life forms throughout the Milky Way, including the Sol System. This led to the proposal of a deep space expedition aimed at discovering the central computer core of the Archangels and uncovering the enigmatic "Bridge" mentioned in their legends.

Economics: Regulated Market

Currency: ExoCredits
Industry: Tourism & Spiritual Services

Point of Interests: Holy Church of Nova Planet, Garden of Eden